Hope LeNoir lost her mother when she was only seven months old. As she grew up, she couldn’t fully comprehend the reason for the tragedy and frequently asked, “Why am I still here?” That question would lead to the discovery of her purpose and give her life meaning as she set out on a journey to help other people discover their spiritual and professional purpose. She is the founder and owner of Rise and Fly, LLC, a business that helps professionals advance personally and professionally in their careers. As a forward-thinking Professional Strategist and Coach, she has assisted hundreds with getting greater professional results and providing greater services to others. She has embraced several career journeys including being an assistant professor, a leader in the financial industry, a professional in corporate citizenship, a professional in children’s television, an entrepreneur, a researcher, a writer and much more. All these roles have equipped her to be a better coach and provide better service to her clients. She is also an inspirational speaker for an audience of thousands. Speaking and coaching professionals is what she loves most. Hope states, “My heart pounds when I help identify the challenge, see my clients get great results and watch them develop beyond what they ever imagined.” She is the author of the book titled, “Rush: Embracing Your Purpose and All of the Psychological Thrillers It Brings With It.”
As you read this interview, be inspired to find your place in life and embrace it.

You’re the founder and owner of Rise and Fly LLC, a business that helps professionals advance personally and professionally in their careers. So, could you tell us how you started this business and what inspired you to start it?
Absolutely. So, you’ve got it absolutely right, I help professionals who want to become better in their careers or advance in their careers, and I officially started the business, Rise and Fly in 2011, so about six years ago, that was when I started. And what I realize is that I was helping people in their careers already, giving guidance, advice, giving them resources, but it wasn’t until 2011 when I said, you know what? I love doing this; I enjoy it, I want to build on it, I want to make it a business, I want it to be something more that I do every day and give back to people. So, it was then that I said, you know what? Let’s do it, let’s help people rise and fly in 2011.
You’re an inspirational speaker, is this also part of what you do?
This is also a part of what I do. So, one of the services that I offer is one-on-one professional coaching, career coaching. But sometimes I’m asked to come to groups and inspire or career coach / teach in a group setting. So, I do both under the Rise and Fly umbrella.
So, who are some of the people that you work with and what results have you helped your clients achieve so far?
I work with people who want to expand their lives in ways that impact others as well as bring more fulfillment to themselves as far as their career is concerned. So for example, the people I work with, whether it’s a man or a woman, a person who’s young in their career and seeking something, or people who are more mature in their career, seeking better performance rating, a promotion, or just greater fulfilment in their job, those are my clients. And oftentimes times people who may have a job, but they’re looking for something else or don’t feel like they’re fulfilled or in the right place. I say though that the greatest result is career fulfillment. So, when I can see that, like the man that came to me and said, look, Hope, I’ve followed the steps that you gave me including talking to my wife and building a relationship with those financial consultants you told me about, I’ve already gotten the promotion that I’m looking for. Or the woman who said, thank you for confirming that getting fired has nothing to do with my age. She was able to overcome that fear, and she said, because of you, I have three job offers now. So, hearing those things, to me, are great results, when I’m able to coach, and my clients follow through what we talked about.
Amazing. So, you’re a woman who’s been able to take your dream and build it into a business. So many people have dreams, but they stay in their day jobs because they don’t know how to build their dreams into a business. So what advice would you give to anyone who’s in that place where they hate their day job, but they go to it anyway, because the job they want they don’t know how to turn into a profitable business?
I would first recognize that it’s not easy, but it’s a risk worth taking. The first advice or step I would say is, really figure out why you hate that job. What is it? Dig deep and figure out, what is it about it that you hate? And I say that because sometimes people say, I hate my job, and when we start talking, it’s the discomfort with a colleague that they really hate it’s not really the job. And so they think, oh I’ll just move on to something that’ll make me happier, but if that same type of person is over there in the job that they think that they want, they’re going to hate that too. So, it’s really discovering, what is it that you really hate? But if you know that it’s the actual role that you’re playing in your current job that you hate, it’s about connecting with people in a position that you want to be in. That’s where you’re going to find your support, that’s where you’re going to find your network, that’s where you’re going to find people that are going to speak on your behalf at the table when you’re not there. Building relationships with people that are already there. And sometimes it does mean taking that risk and stepping out, even if you’re an introvert, taking the risk and saying, hey I would love to meet with you, can I have 15 minutes with you? Or writing that letter, sending that email, just taking that risk and getting out there. They can help plan for what those next steps will look like.

So, are there any requirements for people who wish to purchase your coaching services? In other words, do you coach anybody?
I do. Anyone can buy my coaching services, and when I say coaching services, they can purchase the time to spend with me for an hour and a half or more. They can come to a group setting or hire me to come to their group for career coaching if that’s what they prefer. Anyone can talk to me, but there is a catch though, my clients have to remember that they have the power. So, they have to be open to our conversation. It’s a dialogue; it’s not a teaching class where I give you a checklist, and you follow through with all these things. We’re talking, and we’re figuring things out, and coming up with a plan. And when my client walks out the door, it’s important that they say, okay I’m going to follow through with what we talked about. That’s the important part. So, while anyone could hire me to be their coach, it’s up to them to really follow through because they have what it takes, they have the power actually to see their dreams or aspirations come to life. Now as far as being an inspirational speaker, I don’t have a restriction for that, but I do ask that the audience come with an open mind because I’m not a traditional speaker that’ll talk for twenty minutes, thirty minutes, an hour and just do nothing but talk. I like to engage my audience, to have fun with my audience, connect with them, so I’m giving the information they need the way that they need me to give it to them. So, just be open and get ready for a new experience, not the traditional speeches, is what I would offer.
What is the most rewarding project you have worked on and why was it rewarding?
You know what? That’s difficult, to say what’s the most rewarding. Because I talked earlier about the man, who said, hey I talked to my wife, I followed through, I got the promotion. Or the woman who said, you know I realized that it has nothing to do with my age and I have three job offers now. The thing is, I may say, oh this is good, this is fantastic, this is the most rewarding for me. Then a couple of hours later somebody may give me a call, or I may see somebody in the grocery store that’s telling me their success story and I’m also thinking, this is great too. So just hearing their successes for me is rewarding. To know that I’m following the gift that I’m given and using that to help other people and knowing that it’s helping others reach their goals. To me, that’s always rewarding. So, every moment, every day is rewarding. I can’t say, unfortunately, or fortunately that I have an answer to say this was the moment that was most rewarding for me.
You sound like you’re very fulfilled.
I am. I am. And I’m glad that you said that because that’s one of the things that I teach my clients or my audience. Especially those who may be making six figures or they’re in a position where everyone’s saying, you’re great at that but to them, they’re thinking, I just don’t feel like I’m doing the right thing or that something’s missing or that I want to do something different. It’s finding what your purpose is. When you find that and grow that and really understand it, you fall in love with it, and it’s something that you want to wake up to, it’s something that you want to go to sleep to, it’s something that you want to continue to grow. So, if you’re making 40,000 or you’re making 300,000 or a million, to you it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t determine how fulfilled you are, it’s that I know my purpose, and I’m operating in my purpose, and that’s where my fulfillment comes from. So, I’m glad that you noticed that. That’s interesting, and that’s what I hope for everyone. If everyone operated in their purpose, we would live in a much happier space, and we would have a lot of wealth, whether that’s monetary wealth, or mental wealth, coming our way because everyone’s doing what they’re purposed to do.
Looking at your career journey, I can see that you are a woman with varied skills and talents because of the different roles you’ve had in the past. So, how has that helped you in your current business?
You know, that’s something that I bring different to the table. So, there are a lot of fantastic coaches out there, whether they’re life coaches or career coaches, all kinds of coaches, but for me as a career coach having those experiences in the different roles means that I have even more to bring to the table. So, it’s not just an idea; it’s an experience that I can share with my clients. I’ve been in the trenches just like my clients have been in the trenches. I’ve interviewed for different roles just like my clients have interviewed for different roles. I’ve been through the layoff, I’ve been through the career expansion. I’ve had so many great experiences in various careers, so I know that there’s a difference, for example, between being a producer than being a director of project management because I’ve been there, or teaching class at a state college because I’ve done that. I know the difference, mentally, emotionally, because I’ve been there and I know the hardships and the tears and the challenges as well because I’ve experienced those. I’ve experienced the greatness and celebrations so I can give high-level tactics to my client but I can also say, you know what, I’ve been there before, and these are the challenges, and this is how I can relate to what you’re going through. Even now, I have to say that I still send out resumes myself to different positions because I still want to have that feeling. I even go through the interview sometimes, because I want to know, what is it like when I talk to my clients. So that’s what makes me different. And when you ask how that has helped my business, well that’s how it has helped my business, it gives me a different set of tools to bring to my client.

What effect does being a Christian have on the work that you do?
I wouldn’t say that I am a perfect Christian, none of us are. What my relationship with God gives me is faith. And I need that faith during hard times as a businesswoman, as an entrepreneur, going through a challenge. Whether it’s with a client, or I’ve got a family challenge but also have this event that I have to get through, I have to talk to a hundred accountants, and that’s one position that I’ve never been through before. It’s having the faith to follow my dreams to know that I’m going to accomplish whatever it is that I’m striving for. I would say the faith and having faith for my clients as well. So, that relationship gives me the faith that I need to be resilient with humility, and I say that because it’s important. My relationship with God has reminded me, yeah it’s important, you need to tell people what you’re capable of and not shy away from it or think that you’re not supposed to do it. Like look, I’ve given this gift to you, and you need to share it because if you don’t share it, people are not going to know. But the same time, the relationship with God reminds me that, okay you need to have some humility, which means that I can’t be arrogant about it. I have to recognize really who I am and where the gift came from when I am sharing with everyone else. But I think faith and humility…
What are some of the challenges associated with your job?
I would say, at the top of mine, it would be not having a consistent assistant (She laughs). There are so many things that I want to do and so many people that I want to help, but I have to remember that I can’t do it all and that’s okay. And I do have to pause, step back, and say, yeah, I do have to document this; I have to file this, I have to make sure that I don’t double book anyone. All that administrative stuff is not my spiritual gift (She laughs). And I do have to pause and take care of those things. Now, I do have people that assist, but the good or the bad thing about being a career coach for me is that when I do have people that are helping, they only help for a little while because I’m coaching them to say you know what you’re really good at XYZ, and have you ever thought about this? Or they share with me what they really want to do and I coach them to go for that dream, or that purpose that they have. So, they don’t stay with me for long (more laughter). So I do have to take the time myself to pause to do things. I can’t say the challenge is trying to learn everything about my expertise, because it goes back to I love what I do, and I understand what I’m here for. So, I love doing the things that may be seen as challenges to others. It’s more of excitement to me. It’s a stretch, but it brings excitement to what I’m doing, and again that’s the good thing about knowing your purpose, operating in your purpose and getting to the point where you actually fall in love with what it is that you do. I do want to add though that at first, the hard thing was saying no to some people. You asked earlier what’s the restriction, and there are no restrictions, anybody can come to me but once I’ve coached you, and I feel like you’re not really in it, or you’re not receiving what it is that you should receive, I will say, look you know what? I don’t think now is a good time for us to continue our coaching tell me when you’re ready but no, not now. So, I had to accept that I can’t keep pushing people who aren’t ready or don’t follow through with what they’ve been given. I have to say, No. But that’s not a challenge because I’ve accepted that my gift is not about pushing people to the point where I’m doing more than they’re doing. It’s about giving them the tools that they need and allowing them to run with those tools.
What three strategies would you give to Christian women who would like to Rise and Fly in 2018?
Okay. That’s exciting. And I’m sure you know that there’s a difference between the different Christian women and what they’re experiencing, but I’ll give three high level strategies, or for some, reminders, of how to move into 2018 and rise and fly. One is, discover your real spiritual and professional purpose. What is it that you’re actually here for? Know exactly what that is that helps you discover who you really are. This is where you would find more fulfillment, more wholeness, it’s also going to help direct you in so many ways, it’s going to help direct to the right people, to the right places to the right actions or steps to take. So, discover what your real purpose is. The second thing, and this is a reminder, build a relationship with your God and I want to make it clear that building a relationship is not checking things off a list, check the list because I went to church today, and I check this off the list because I prayed this morning because that’s what I’m supposed to do. It’s not a checklist, it’s a real relationship, having those authentic conversations with your higher power. And this is something that will help you get out of your own way, get rid of your fears and not to come to the hesitation that shouldn’t be there in the first place. And having that relationship is another thing that will help move you into greatness that you right now cannot imagine what that greatness looks like. The third thing I would say, is have and appreciate a strong circle of friends and all these I know sound like reminders, but these are important things to do and I’m not necessarily talking about the girlfriend that you talk to everyday about what have you. That girlfriend is important but know that all the girlfriends that you have in your circle doesn’t have to be someone that you talk to everyday. These are women that are there without judgement that are going to help you in some way in your life. And it’s interesting because I had this conversation with a group of women in October and I talked to them about the different women they should certainly have as part of their circle, and I said these are the people that we need because we can’t do it alone, we can’t. We are all strong women, but we still need someone there, we can’t, and we shouldn’t do whatever that is, alone. So, you know when you do these things, like find your purpose, build a relationship with God and have a strong circle of friends, you’ll realize just how great you are, and you’ll act on that and not give in to the small stuff in 2018. That would be my three strategies.

Thank you for that. I see that you authored a book titled, “Rush: Embracing your purpose and all of the psychological thrillers it brings with it.” Please tell us a little about this book, what inspired you to write it and what impact has it had so far?
Sure. So, Rush is about finding your spiritual and professional purpose. What makes this book different from other books about purpose is that I’m sharing a true story about me from the time I was a child. My mother passed away when I was seven months old, so I talked about my journey to figure out, why am I still here? By the way, she was diagnosed with cancer, which was the reason she passed away. So, I’m asking, why am I still here? There are real life and relatable stories that I share with the reader, whoever he or she may be, to help them navigate, find out how to find their own purpose. I wrote the book because I noticed many of my clients were unhappy with their careers. Like I said, even when they’re making six figures and hearing people tell them, oh you’re great at that, they’re still unhappy. But what we often discover is that you’re not living in your purpose. So, if you’re not operating in your purpose, even at work, it’s hard for you to go home fulfilled. Or if you’re at home working, you don’t go through your day feeling like you’ve accomplished something or achieved something, no matter what people tell you, or how much you make. So, I wrote this book as a way to say, look, I’ve been there and here are some easy steps that you can take to say, I know why I’m here now and I know I want to live in this way, and this is going to help me feel better about what I do every day. So that’s the reason I wrote the book.
That’s powerful. So where can people get this book to buy?
My book can be found on Amazon.com in print or electronically, and you can also purchase my book on Barnes and Nobles, electronically.
How can people contact you if they require your coaching services?
Potential clients that want to set up an appointment with me as a coach or as an inspirational speaker they should contact me at info@riseandfly.net. They can get additional information or contact me from my website at www.riseandfly.net, or if they just want an inspirational quote for the day or a tip, they can go to my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/RiseandFly/
So, tell me, the name Rise and Fly, how did you pick that name, what inspired you?
Actually, this was an idea from my sister. We were talking, and I was telling her about how I wanted to build a business, and she said to me, you know what? I see you as a person who helps others rise and fly from the ashes. And she talked about the story of the Phoenix, which many of us are probably familiar with, burning to ashes but then they are recreated or reinvented, and they rise and fly. So, no matter what we’re going through, we have the ability to rise above that and fly to what it is that we want to be and beyond anything that we can be. So, that is where the name came from, so I give many kudos to my sister for helping with that. She is an awesome woman.
Yes, any woman who can come up with a name like that is an awesome woman.
(She laughs) This is true. This is true.
Hope, thank you so very much for talking with us today, do you have any final words that you would like to say to our readers before I let you go?
First, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with your audience. You have an amazing platform to help the readers grow in so many ways. I look forward to meeting them in person someday soon. Before I go, I want to remind each of the readers that they have a beautiful purpose, in their lives and their careers.