Scripture Passage: Numbers 20:1-12 To Whom Much Is Given Much Is Expected Moses was the man God chose to bring Israel out of Egypt and lead them into the land of Canaan. God also invested a lot in Moses to ensure that he was able to carry out this task. However, Moses missed it when…
Author: Eturuvie Erebor
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 88
Scripture Passage: Numbers 20:1-12 The Leader Must Stay Focused At All Cost When Israel entered into the desert of Zin, the entire congregation murmured against Moses and Aaron saying, “And wherefore have ye made us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us into this evil place? It is no place of seed, or…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 87
Scripture Passage: Numbers 20:1-5 The People Will Be Ungrateful When Israel entered into the desert of Zin, one more time, the entire congregation murmured against Moses and Aaron. They said, “And wherefore have ye made us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us into this evil place? It is no place of seed,…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 86
Scripture Passage: Numbers 16:41-48 Good Leaders Never Abandon Their People When the congregation accused Moses and Aaron of killing Korah, Dathan and Abiram with their families, God came down to destroy the people. He said to Moses, “Get you up from among this congregation, that I may consume them as in a moment.” The Bible…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 85
Scripture Passage: Numbers 16:41-48 You Can Count on the Leader to Save the Day After the death of Korah and company, the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron. They accused them of killing the people of God and one more time, God came down to destroy the people with a plague. Moses instantly…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 84
Scripture Passage: Numbers 16:1-34 Integrity Makes a Leader Bold In the rebellion of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, Moses said to God, “Respect not thou their offering: I have not taken one ass from them, neither have I hurt one of them.” Interestingly, neither God nor Korah and company could refute this statement of Moses. And…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 83
Scripture Passage: Numbers 16:1-34 Bad Leaders Trouble Their Homes Korah, Dathan and Abiram were all heads of their families. In other words, they were leaders. When they rose up against Moses, the leader of the entire congregation, their actions had consequences which, unfortunately, affected the members of their households. The earth opened her mouth and…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 82
Scripture Passage: Numbers 16:1-28 The Leader Must Know the Origin of His Authority Korah, Dathan and Abiram challenged Moses, saying, “We are all holy, so why do you lift yourself above us?” (Paraphrased) They wanted to know who made Moses their leader and Moses told them because he knew. The lesson here is this; every…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 81
Scripture Passage: Numbers 16:1-3 The Leader’s Authority Will Be Challenged When Korah, Dathan and Abiram said to Moses and Aaron, “Ye take too much upon you…..wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?” They were challenging Moses’ authority as leader. This is very similar to when one said to a younger…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 80
Scripture Passage: Numbers 16:1-3 No One Rebels Alone When Korah, Dathan and Abiram, rose up against Moses in rebellion, the Bible says, “and they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown: and they gathered themselves together…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 79
Scripture Passage: Numbers 16:1-3 Rebels Want the Perks that Come with Leading Three men, namely, Korah, Dathan and Abiram, took men and rose up against Moses in rebellion. They said, “Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, everyone of them, and the Lord is among them: wherefore then lift ye…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 78
Scripture Passage: Numbers 14:1-4 Leaders Take People Forward or Backwards Following the negative report given by ten of the twelve spies Moses sent to survey the land of Canaan, the children of Israel decided to return to Egypt. They said, “Let us make a captain, and let us return into Egypt.” One leader had brought…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 77
Scripture Passage: Matthew 20:20-22 Those Who Seek to Share the Leader’s Glory Must Partake of the Leader’s Story The mother of James and John, sons of Zebedee, once paid Jesus a surprise visit. She had a request to make. She said, “Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand,…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 76
Scripture Passage: Numbers 13:26-33; 14:1-10 The Leader Must Manage Information Wisely Moses sent twelve men to spy on the land of Canaan. When they returned, without privately hearing their report, he allowed them speak to the entire congregation. Ten said, “And there we saw the giants…..and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 75
Scripture Passage: Numbers 13:6-30 Our View of Situations is Based on Our Self-Perception Twelve men were sent to spy on the land of Canaan. Ten of them said,”And there we saw the giants…..and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” Two had a different opinion and one…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 74
Scripture Passage: Numbers 13:6-30 Never Underestimate Yourself Moses sent out twelve men to spy on the land of Canaan. He wanted to have a proper picture of land and what they were to expect as they prepared to possess it. These men went away for forty days and returned with a report. While two of…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 73
Scripture Passage: Numbers 12:1-10 Leaders Require a Large Heart to Forgive God punished Miriam for speaking against Moses, yet Moses cried to God on her behalf saying, “heal her now, O God, I beesech thee.” She had offended him, but he prayed for her. He was able to pray for her because he had forgiven…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 72
Scripture Passage: Numbers 12:1-10 No Leader Delights in the Suffering of His Followers Miriam and Aaron sinned against Moses when they spoke against him. God rebuked them verbally and left Miriam covered in leprosy. When Aaron saw this, he turned to Moses and pleaded for mercy for Miriam. Moses was the offended party and he…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 71
Scripture Passage: Numbers 12:1-10 Deal With Offenders Quickly and Without Delay We learn a very important lesson from the way God handled Miriam and Aaron when they spoke against Moses. God is the ultimate leader and our perfect example. When He heard Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses, He came down quickly to rebuke them….
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 70
Scripture Passage: Numbers 12:1-10 Don’t Compare Yourself with the Leader Miriam and Aaron, like many followers, tried to compare themselves with Moses. They said, “Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Hath He not spoken also by us?” This was a big mistake. In response, God said to them; “If there be a prophet…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 69
Scripture Passage: Numbers 12:1-10 Leaders Need Prayers Moses was a great man but like many leaders, he was far from perfect. Miriam and Aaron, like many followers, took it upon themselves to point out his error in marrying an Ethiopian woman. They spoke to one another about their leader’s fault but never spoke to God,…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 68
Scripture Passage: Numbers 12:1-10 Even Great Leaders Have Flaws Moses was a great man and had accomplished great feats, especially in Egypt but he was far from perfect and those who followed him knew this. One day Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because he had married an Ethiopian. Interestingly, when God heard it, He…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 67
Scripture Passage: Numbers 12:3 Meekness is a Requirement for Great Leadership Moses led a mixed multitude of three million people out of Egypt. That is three million murmuring and complaining people who were ungrateful and unmindful of his personal sacrifice. How did he achieve it? The Bible says, “Now the man Moses was very meek,…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 66
Scripture Passage: Numbers 11:24-29 Secure Leaders are Happy When Others are Empowered In a bid to lighten the load that Moses carried, God said, “Gather unto me seventy of the elders….and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 65
Scripture Passage: Numbers 11:4-17 When the Burden is Shared the Load is Lighter When the children of Israel complained one more time, a weary Moses said to God, “Wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant? And wherefore have I not found favour in thy sight, that thou layest the burden of all this people upon me?…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 64
Scripture Passage: Numbers 11:4-15 Even Great Leaders Become Weary Once again, the children of Israel complained; this time, not only was the anger of the Lord kindled, Moses too was displeased and said the God, “Wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant? And wherefore have I not found favour in thy sight, that thou layest the…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 63
Scripture Passage: Matthew 15:1-14 Pride Destroys the Leader’s Potential On a certain day, some members of the Pharisees and Sadducees approached Jesus wanting to know why His disciples ate with unwashed hands. These leaders were hypocrites but as Jesus tried to tell them the truth, they got offended. The major reason for their offence was…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 62
Scripture Passage: Matthew 15:1-14 Blind Leaders Attract Blind Followers Jesus was unarguably the greatest leader that ever lived; therefore, it is wisdom to pay rapt attention to anything He says about leadership. Once, the Pharisees and Scribes became offended as Jesus challenged their hypocritical behaviour. When Jesus’ disciples pointed this out, He said, “Let them…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 61
Scripture Passage: Exodus 32:1-5 A Leader’s Character is Revealed Amid a Crisis When Moses received the vision to set free Israel from Egypt, Aaron was a major part of that vision, so it is safe to say he was a leader alongside Moses. Every time that Moses appeared before Pharaoh to say the famous four…