Ada was a prostitute. But that was about to change. One night she had an encounter that changed her life forever. She was at her usual spot when a young man approached her. They agreed on a price for the night, and she got into his car and went home with him.
At his house, he switched on the television to keep her entertained, little did he know that it would do more than that. With nothing else to do Ada sat in front of the television, watching passively. It wasn’t long before a popular televangelist came on the screen. As Ada watched him preach, the Holy Spirit began to convict her. She felt uneasy. She had to leave at once. If she left, she knew the consequences, she would not get paid, but that did not bother her. Her customer must have thought her behaviour very strange, but he did not try to stop her as she picked up her handbag and hastily left his house.
If she thought that leaving his house would help her get rid of the televangelist, she was wrong, his voice haunted her all the way home and even within the four walls of her small apartment she could hear his voice ringing in her ears. She had to give her life to Christ; she had to get out of a life of sin, she had to put an end to prostitution. She could not go on like this. Hell was real, and she did not want to go to hell. She went to bed but could not sleep. When she woke up, she began to think of a business she could do. Prostitution was over for her. She would never go back. She was determined. She took out her purse and counted the money in it. All she had was three thousand naira. There was no money in the bank, and so this was it, everything. She sighed deeply.
“Lord, I do not want to go back to prostitution. What can I do with this money so that I will have enough to pay my bills?”
Suddenly, it occurred to her that she could sell second-hand clothes. So, she got dressed and went to the market. The market where the second-hand clothes were sold in wholesale quantity was very far from her house. By the time she arrived, she had used up more than half the money on her. What was left would not get her home let alone buy any items for her to go and resell. However, she was not perturbed. She moved around in the market until she came to a certain man. She felt a prompting to approach him, and so she did. After explaining her desire to begin the trade, she asked the man to give her items amounting to a hundred and fifty thousand naira. She assured him that once sold, his money would be paid into his bank account. After some negotiations, he finally agreed.
“I have never done this before,” he told her. “But I sense that God is asking me to let you take the items on credit.”
She collected the items and left. The next challenge was how to get her consignment home as the money on her would not be enough. As she contemplated what to do, a man approached, and she told him her predicament. He gave her some money, and she got her goods home. The following day she set out to sell the items, and God gave her unusual speed so that in six hours she had sold all the goods. She went to the bank to pay in the money belonging to the owner of the goods and was left with a profit which was over a hundred thousand naira. Ada was super excited. Finally, her dream of leaving prostitution had come true. But little did she know that God was not yet through with her.
On Sunday morning, she went to the church pastored by the televangelist she had seen on television, whose voice kept ringing in her ears. It was here that Ada surrendered her life to Christ. Then she shared her testimony before the entire church, and something amazing happened. The pastor and the congregation were all moved to be a blessing to Ada. She walked away from the church that Sunday with no less than two million naira.
Yes, we serve a God who is faithful. Perhaps like Ada, you are a prostitute or living in one form of sin or the other, maybe the devil has told you that there is no way out and that God will not help you because you are a sinner. Well, you are the reason Jesus hung on that cross. God loves you more than you think. Yes, even in that sinful state God loves you, and He wants to bring you out. Go on your knees and talk to Him. Right now. He will hear you. And He will make a way of escape for you just like He did for Ada.