Ruva Ngundu is a highly anointed, authentic prophetic voice with a mandate to preach, teach and minister healing, wholeness, and deliverance to women, young girls, and single mothers. She is also a worshiper and author of the book, Beauty for Ashes. The book, which is at the core of her ministry is dedicated to every woman and girl struggling with the battle of the mind and soul-ties. It is also dedicated to single mothers who feel all hope is lost because they had a child out of wedlock. Ruva is an amazing woman, her story and her book have blessed many women around the world and I am certain that this interview will be a blessing to you. As you read be inspired to bounce back from adversity and to find purpose in your pain.

Please tell us a little about yourself, Ruva. Who is Ruva Ngundu?
I am 28 years old, I love God, I am originally from Zimbabwe, but I am based in the UK. I moved to the UK in 2001, the eldest of three children, I go to Family Covenant Church.
Thank you for telling us about yourself. Now, we want to know about your ministry. I see that you’re a minister of the gospel. So, please tell us the why, the when and the how that this came about and what impact your ministry has had thus far.
Okay. I launched Beauty For Ashes, which is the name of my ministry started on the 31st of December, 2015. How, it came about, it came from God, and it came through many dreams, many visions, and even prophetic words, and I was really hesitant at first, I prayed, and I asked God, are you sure that you want me to do this? And then He confirmed, but I was a bit scared I’m not one of those that when they hear a prophetic word, then they just go with it, I first enquire of the Lord, to make sure that it actually came from Him. Even in the scripture, it says that we should test the spirit to see whether it is from God. So, I did that, and by God’s grace, He confirmed it, many times. The why for me being a minister of the gospel is very simple, to win people to Jesus Christ. I am in it for the outcome. As the Bible says in Proverbs 11, verse 30, it says, he who wins souls is wise, and I want to be a wise woman.
Let’s talk about your book, your ministry is called, Beauty For Ashes, but you also have a book called Beauty For Ashes. What is this book about and why did you choose to write it?
Yeah. Wow. Beauty For Ashes. This book is about my testimony; it is about what I went through. I was molested, and I got pregnant, and I had a baby at 22. I write about all my experiences about the time when I was very depressed and out of that depression, came suicidal thoughts. I nearly committed suicide four times; this book outlines how God was very gracious towards me, how God extended His grace towards me and how I overcame. And I really write about strategically how to be free, and I write about the journey which God took me through to me becoming a woman who is now free, emotionally, physically and even mentally. I wrote this book also to encourage women and teenage girls that there is God who promised in His word in Job 22:23 that if you return to Him, you shall be built up. So, yeah. That’s the reason why I wrote the book.
How have women received the book and how has the book impacted them?
Oh, the response to the book has been so amazing. It has impacted them by giving them hope, faith, and courage because a lot of times when life’s situation happens to us, women and girls and ladies, we react negatively to those situations, and we end up living in within the reaction of what took place, and so it’s been amazing. One testimony that stood out to me was when after a young lady from America she read the book, and she said, you know, I had planned to get an abortion on Friday but then she cancelled it after she read the book, so it is really really encouraging.

Wow. You are an amazing woman. I just want to know something, because often I see women who have been molested or raped, and they get pregnant, and this is like an interruption because this is not the life that they dreamed of, they didn’t dream of becoming single mothers, they dreamt of getting married to a knight in shining armour and then here comes this person who abuses them or rapes them and they’re pregnant and they don’t want to sin against God by taking the baby out, so they keep the baby they don’t give it up for adoption but they are not at a place where they are psychologically and or emotionally ready to look after these babies, so they take out the anger over what the father did on the baby and sometimes, become abusive to the child. Can you please share with us, how it was for you going through this situation, did you at any time feel that you hated your child because of what the father had done, or did you feel angry? Just share that journey with us, please.
I was angry. But I wasn’t angry at my child, I was angry at the person who did it, and I was angry at God, the first person I was angry at was God. I remember sitting in my conservatory, and I said, God, I need you to remove this pregnancy like right now. I remember crying my eyes out, and I was like, if you don’t answer any other prayer that I ever pray, I need you to terminate this right now, because what am I going to do? I still need to go to university. I don’t even know what I am doing. I am only 22; I have just finished college. Here I was, and I also remember, writing a letter to God, and it was a very nasty letter. I was very angry to the point where I said, do you know what God? Forget this. I remember not praying for two whole years. That’s how angry I was. And it’s okay to feel those emotions because emotions are part of us because it’s not good to hold things inside, you know. But then I thank God that I had self-control, which is one of the fruits of the spirit because I thank God that I was not that kind of mother who took out anger on my daughter because if I had done that, I don’t think I would still have her, she would have been taken away from me by the social services and things like that. It was hard and even having people who were concerned about me but not from a pure place. They were a bit nosy and the same people that were saying I am praying for you, they were the same ones that were going behind my back to say awful stuff about me but again I thank God that I had self-control.
Okay, Ruva. So, where can people get this book of yours to buy?
They can buy it on Amazon. There are a lot of books called Beauty For Ashes, but for mine, they can search for Beauty For Ashes by Ruvarashe.
By the way, I love that name, Ruvarashe. Can you please tell us what it means? It’s a beautiful name.
(She laughs) Thank you. It means flower of God or God’s flower.
It’s a beautiful name. I can say it all day, Ruvarashe.
(She laughs)
I had a peek into your book, and I saw that you dedicated it to women struggling with the battle of the mind and soul-ties. What impact do you think that these factors, that is, the battle of the mind and soul-ties have on a woman’s ability to execute her God-given assignment and fulfil destiny?
Oh, that’s a good question (she laughs). You know the book is meant for believers in general, it’s the battle of the mind it’s not the battle against the enemy you know, because the enemy is already defeated. But it’s the battle of the mind because once the enemy has your mind, he can control you, he can control you by planting wrong mentalities, wrong ideologies, wrong thoughts and as you meditate on these wrong things, you are watering them, and as you water them, they begin to grow and grow and eventually, they become a stronghold, and the way you think and what you think about yourself is very crucial before you can execute your God-given assignment and fulfil destiny because as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he, so you can’t walk into destiny and execute purpose as a slave, in your mind, your victory is first won in your mind. We have to think the right things. And even looking at soul-ties, a soul tie is an emotional bond or connection that you might have with someone, and if you are tied to the wrong person or the wrong people, it’s going to be a stumbling block to you executing your purpose and not just as a woman but as a person in general.

These factors, can they also be obstacles to a woman being fully restored?
Oh yes. Absolutely. Because there are a lot of women out there, who, think negatively about themselves instead of thinking about themselves the way that God thinks about them, which is a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, God’s special person. Instead of them declaring, I am a woman who is clothed in strength and dignity I am a woman with wisdom, they are saying and thinking the exact opposite. And when you have the wrong mindset, it clogs your vision because you first see it with your mind before you see it with your eyes. So, your vision first starts in the mind, so if you have the wrong mentality, it clogs that, your vision. And when you have the wrong soul-ties, now there are good soul-ties, godly soul-ties, but the wrong one, it will definitely distract you from being restored because it will definitely become a yoke, definitely.
Okay. So, what is the solution to these issues? How can women be free from these mind battles or negative mindsets and how can they be free from soul-ties?
Yes, the solution to the first issue, which is the battle of the mind, is found in Ephesians 6:17 it says to put on the helmet of salvation, you literally have to be cautious about what you think about yourself and how you think about yourself. You know the standard of our thoughts as women and girls is the word of God. Our thoughts as women must be in congruence with the word of God. Phillipains 4:8 says whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue if there be anything praiseworthy, think on these things. So that should be the standard of our thoughts as women. When you think and meditate, what you think and meditate on can either accelerate your progress or delay the process. I’ll say that again. What you think and meditate on can either accelerate your progress or delay the process. So, you have to be cautious about what you think about and pull down those thoughts whenever you have a thought that isn’t in alignment with the word of God, you have to pull it down. You cast it out. And with soul-ties, you have to pray and ask God who you have ungodly soul-ties with, and you have to repent from them and renounce them. True freedom, however, is not necessarily the absence of boundaries. True freedom is the presence of the Spirit of the Lord because the Bible says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So, you are free when you invite the Holy Spirit to be your guide and to be with you.
Your ministry appears to revolve around restoration and healing and wholeness and hope and all of those things, and you have just shared your personal, beauty for ashes experience. Now, when you look back, because at a time you told God, terminate this pregnancy, and no doubt when you had the baby you would have wondered why did I have the baby when there are women who really yearn for a baby, but the pregnancy is miscarried now you don’t want this pregnancy yet it’s not miscarried? Now, in hindsight, why do you think God allowed you to have this child?
God allowed it for a purpose. I am reminded of a scripture in 2 Corinthians 4 verse 17, which says for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, a far more exceedingly and eternal weight of glory, me going through that, it was building something inside of me, and God knows that I needed to go through that. It was part of all the plan, and I am also encouraged by the way even my daughter encourages me as well. It is really encouraging when God confirms His word in your child, and then you say oh my goodness, imagine God if you had taken away the pregnancy when I asked you (She laughs). I thank God for not answering that prayer (more laughter). So yes, it is very encouraging.
Do you think that if you had miscarried the pregnancy, if God had answered that prayer and you didn’t have the child, that your ministry and your story would be as powerful and as effective as it is now?
Hmm…..I don’t think so.
So, you had to go through the entire process?
Yes. The entire process. No shortcuts. (She laughs).
Yes. No shortcuts. God doesn’t do shortcuts.
No, He doesn’t. (She laughs).

So, the entire process was necessary to mould you and shape you into the woman who would be able to handle this kind of ministry?
Yes, and also encourage and uplift and empower others, because you can’t encourage uplift and empower others from a place of ignorance, where you have been. Just like Jesus when He spoke to Simon said, the enemy desires to sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail. So when you have been strengthened go strengthen your brethren. So, it’s kind of like that. You can’t strengthen someone when you are weak yourself.
Wow. It’s really amazing how pain can birth purpose. Amazing. But how can a woman have a comeback? How can she find her life again, find her dreams again, after a major setback?
Yeah. A woman can find her life again by simply returning to God. Like I mentioned earlier, in Job 22:23 it says, if you return to the Almighty, you shall be built up, God can build you up again into a woman who is free, mind body and spirit and soul. But it first starts by you returning to God and saying, Lord, this is what happened, and I need you to build me up again. And God is faithful to do what He has said, to do what He has promised in His word.
You’ve told us about how your book has impacted others, but how has it impacted you? How has the book and the ministry impacted your own life?
It has impacted my life in terms of my faith, even in my walk with God, it has made me want to chase after God even more for myself because the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Again, it has also impacted me also to practice what I preach to live what I preach even me as a leader and mentor to look at my own life and say what would I advise other people if they were in the same predicament as I am, so it has been an eyeopener. And it has impacted me in ways that I was so oblivious to. I was like on my God, if this was to happen or if that was to happen, what will I do? And it has caused me to even stronger in my prayer life even in interceding for people. It has made me love people, even more, to have a heart for people, for women and girls and even for the single mother, that’s my heart.
Ruva, this journey began because of your personal experience, but possibly this is not what you had planned from early on in life. So, if you were not doing this job, what job would you be doing?
I would be an air hostess (she laughs). I’ve always wanted to be an air hostess. I love planes. I love flying; I love travelling, so yeah. I definitely wanted to be an air hostess. (more laughter).

Well, that is very interesting to know. So, what are your plans for the future with regards to your ministry?
At the moment, I am planning my first annual Beauty For Ashes Women and Girls Conference here in the UK, and I need a lot of help with it. At this conference, I’m going to also be giving single mothers and single women who are expecting children some gifts, things like strollers, Moses’ basket, diapers, baby clothes, milk bottles and things like that. It’s something that God has placed in my heart to do at my first annual conference.
Interesting. So, what advice do you have for Christian women who are single mothers who are struggling with criticism, judgment, and rejection within and outside the church and who feel that their lives are over because they are either pregnant outside of wedlock or have had a baby outside wedlock?
My advice to them is simply this; there is life after this. You don’t have to live within the reaction of what took place; you don’t have to live within your means as a child of God. You don’t have to digest those negative words that people are saying over your life. You have to understand that the power of life and death is in your tongue, not theirs. So, you have the power to condemn every word that they speak over your life that is negative. So, my advice is speak life over yourself and if no one else does that, be like David and encourage yourself, in the Lord. Ask God to renew your mind, pray, enquire of the Lord concerning the season that you’re in. Ask Him, Lord what lessons must I learn in this situation? And also pray for your child, enquire of the Lord concerning your child who you’re carrying. Pray for your child, whilst they’re still in your womb and speak life over your child, and whatever you do, please do not get an abortion. It’s not worth it. And like I said earlier, 2 Corinthians 4:17. I just want to encourage them with this, that your light affliction which is but for a moment, is working for you a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. So, it’s all working and building something in you because all things will definitely work out for your good.
That’s very powerful advice Ruva. Thank you for that. Now, the next thing is, what advice do you have for Christian women whose teen daughters or unwed daughters are pregnant or single mothers? Because sometimes the mother goes through as much criticism and judgment and rejection as the daughter.
The women who have daughters who are pregnant or are single mothers, my advice to them is pray for them, take time to check on them, because it’s not easy being a single mum. Don’t criticise them, don’t judge them, because they’ve already done that, they’ve already judged themselves, they’ve already condemned themselves. And also, be there for them and also let your words to your daughter who is pregnant and who is a single mother be edifying like God says in Ephesians 4:29 that it may be edifying that it may minister grace to the hearers because it’s not easy, it’s definitely not easy at all.
Thank you so much, Ruvarashe, for talking with us. How can people contact you?
They can contact me on Facebook; my Facebook name is Ruva Ngundu, they will also find me on Twitter, Periscope, and Instagram, my handle for Instagram, Twitter and Periscope is Elect Lady Ruva, or they can easily send me an email at