Esther was a woman, but she saved an entire nation and where men could not speak a woman was required to speak. Where men could not go, a woman was required to go because God chose to place the destiny of an entire nation including the destiny of millions yet unborn on the shoulders of one woman.
Esther was a Jewish slave girl; she lost her parents at an early age and was brought up by her uncle, Mordecai. While in captivity, by what seems like sheer luck but was a favour of God, Esther emerged as the queen of the same nation where she had been a slave and where her people, the Jews were in captivity.
Then arose Haman, who desired not only to kill Mordecai but all the Jews. And Mordecai realised that Esther might be the saviour the Jews required to be delivered from annihilation. Esther at first was reluctant to approach the king on behalf of her people because she feared for her life, and she feared because she did not realise the potential inside her as a woman. Eventually, she agreed to do what was required of her and with a fierce determination, declared, “If I perish, I perish!” She prayed to God and stepped out in faith, and things turned out positively for the Jews; Haman was eventually hanged on the very gallows he had set up to hang Mordecai.

The Leadership Lessons from the Life of Esther are as follows;
- Great women have great influence. Esther had influence with the people around her even before she was made a queen. Everyone she came in contact with, favoured
- Great women are a lot bolder and fearless than they give themselves credit for. Esther was fully aware of the implications of going before the king without an invitation. It was death unless the king stretched forth the golden sceptre, but she went anyway and was ready to die for the cause she believed in.
- Great women go after their vision with fierce determination. Esther said, “If I perish I perish.”
- Great women are passionate about the things they are called to do. No half measures, they commit themselves one hundred per cent.
- Great women know that there is a God greater than themselves. Esther asked God to help her, she prayed, and she fasted for three days before she set out in pursuit of her vision.
- Great women need a great mentor to help them stay on track. Esther needed Mordecai to advise her constantly and give her direction. And as long as she followed him she moved from victory to victory.
- Great women stay meek and humble. Esther was queen, but she still listened to Mordecai and his wise counsel. She was still teachable. She did not allow her success to get to her head and change her attitude towards the man who had played the role of a father in her life.
- Great women understand purpose. When Mordecai said to Esther, “Who knows if you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther instantly agreed to step out in faith to deliver her people. This indicates that she understood her purpose.
- Great women are deliverers. Some deliver individuals, some deliver families, some deliver communities and some like Esther, deliver entire nations.
- Great women always rise to the challenge. When faced with a challenge small women will back down from it because they fear the change of the status quo or do not want to leave their comfort zone, but great women will always rise to meet the challenge.
What kind of a woman are you? Are you a great woman? Are you a leader? Are you stepping out of your comfort zone to meet challenges that rise not just against you but also against others? There is an Esther in every woman, let the Esther in you rise today.