Scripture Passage: Matthew 15:1-14 Leaders Who Refuse to Learn Will Remain Blind The Pharisees and Scribes once came to Jesus wanting to know why His disciples ate with unwashed hands. They came seeking knowledge, or so it seemed, but when Jesus tried to teach them they got offended and refused to learn because, in teaching…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 59
Scripture Passage: Exodus 32:19-28 Leaders Must Make Tough Decisions Moses was wroth as he descended from the mountain and saw the golden calf. In anger, he burnt it with fire, ground it to power and put it upon the water for the children of Israel to drink. That wasn’t all; he realised that to prevent…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 58
Scripture Passage: Exodus 32:1-19 When Angry Do Nothing Moses was on the mountain for forty days receiving the law from the Lord. This law, God wrote on two tables of stone. The Bible says, “And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, grave upon the table.” However,…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 57
Scripture Passage: Exodus 32:15-24 Weak Leaders Pass the Buck When Moses came down from the mount and saw the golden calf, he was very angry and destroyed it. Then he turned to Aaron and said, “What did this people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them?” Aaron turned around and…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 56
Scripture Passage: Exodus 32:1-14 Good Leaders are Selfless As the children of Israel journeyed through the wilderness, several times, they angered the Lord and He would have destroyed them and made Moses a great nation. One such instance was the worship of the golden calf. God said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 55
Scripture Passage: Exodus 32:1-14 A Good Leader Intercedes for the People As the children of Israel worshipped before the golden calf Aaron had made, God got angry and said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiff-necked people. Now therefore, let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 54
Scripture Passage: Exodus 32:1-7 When the Leader is Away the People Go Astray When Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, the children of Israel approached Aaron and said to him, “Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 53
Scripture Passage: Exodus 32:1 People Will Always Need Leaders to Go Before Them Moses was up on the mountain receiving the laws from God and when the children of Israel saw that he delayed in coming down they approached Aaron and said to him, “Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 52
Scripture Passage: Exodus 24:12 It is the Leader’s Responsibility to Teach the Laws After God had written the Ten Commandments, He said unto Moses, “Come up to me into the mount, and be there; and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 51
Scripture Passage: Exodus 20:1-17 The Team that Will Succeed Must Be Guided By Laws As the children of Israel began to journey towards the land of promise, a set of laws, known as the Ten Commandments, were handed to them by God through their leader, Moses. I have heard it said that where there is…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 50
Scripture Passage: Exodus 18:1-25 Effective Leadership Requires Flexibility When Jethro visited Moses in the wilderness, he observed that Moses singlehandedly judged the entire congregation of Israel, judging all matters great and small, from morning until evening. Jethro thought a change was required. He advised Moses to appoint other judges who would judge smaller matters and…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 49
Scripture Passage: Exodus 18:1-25 You Can’t Do It All Alone Moses had an unexpected visit from his father-in-law, Jethro while in the wilderness. During this visit, Jethro observed that Moses alone sat in judgment over the entire congregation of Israel, judging all matters great and small, from morning until evening. Jethro advised him to appoint…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 48
Scripture Passage: Exodus 18:1-25 A Good Leader is Open to Ideas As Moses and the children of Israel journeyed through the wilderness, he had a visit from his father-in-law, Jethro. During this visit, Jethro observed that Moses alone sat in judgment over the entire congregation of Israel, judging all matters great and small, from morning…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 47
Scripture Passage: Exodus 16:11-20 Not Everyone Will Hearken to the Leader Every Time When the children of Israel complained of hunger, God told Moses that He would send them food; flesh in the evening and bread in the morning. They were instructed to take only what they could eat and not leave any of it…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 46
Scripture Passage: Exodus 16:1-9 The Vision is Quickly Forgotten Amid Challenges When faced with challenges, people are usually quick to forget the vision. Moses had a vision; it was to free Israel from Egyptian bondage and lead them to a land flowing with milk and honey. The people received the vision with gladness and in…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 45
Scripture Passage: Exodus 15:1-25 When Faced With Challenges, People Usually Forget the Leader’s Victories Moses and the people of Israel had just had a major victory. Moses had led them through a parted Red Sea and Pharaoh trying to chase them through the parted sea had drowned. Pharaoh, their main opposition and hindrance to the…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 44
Scripture Passage: Exodus 14:5-30 Quit While You’re Ahead Pharaoh was a leader who did not know when to quit and it cost him the life of his son, the lives of his warriors and his own life. He had plenty of time to quit and let Israel go but despite the plagues, he continued to…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 43
Scripture Passage: Exodus 14:5-30 Don’t Underestimate Anyone; Don’t Overestimate Yourself Although Pharaoh agreed to let Israel go free when his son died, he quickly regretted this decision and when he was told that Israel had departed, he took all the chariots of Egypt and pursued after them to bring them back to slavery. He thought…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 42
Scripture Passage: Exodus 12:29-31, 14:5-30 A Leader Who Doesn’t Know When to Quit Will Be Destroyed There is a time to quit, unfortunately not many know this. Pharaoh was an ambitious leader and the plagues unleashed in Egypt would not make him free Israel. Then after the death of his son, he let Israel go,…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 41
Scripture Passage: Exodus 8:17-19, 10:3-7 An Ambitious Leader Will Achieve His Ambition At All Costs. When a leader is ambitious he cares about himself. When a leader has a vision, he cares about people. Moses had a vision; he wanted Israel free from Egyptian bondage. Pharaoh had an ambition; he wanted Israel to serve as…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 40
Scripture Passage: Exodus 8:25-28, 10:8-11 Don’t Negotiate Away From the Vision. As Moses continued to demand the release of the children of Israel from Egypt, Pharaoh decided to negotiate with Moses. First, he agreed to let Israel sacrifice to the Lord without leaving the land of Egypt, then he agreed to let them go but…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 39
Scripture Passage: Exodus 7:1 You Must See it Before You Can Seize it. Before Moses went in to speak to Pharaoh a second time, God said to him, “See I have made thee a god to Pharaoh.” This came at a time when Moses was reluctant to stand before Pharaoh a second time the first…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 38
Scripture Passage: Exodus 6:1-13 When Adversity Shows Up Keep Leading When Moses spoke to Pharaoh to release the children of Israel, Pharaoh blatantly refused and instead, he increased their burdens. This was not what they expected and everyone was disillusioned. Moses went to God and the vision was communicated to him once again. However, when…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 37
Scripture Passage: Exodus 6:1-9 The Vision Must Be Communicated Again Moses communicated the vision to the children of Israel the first time and they received it with gladness until their situation worsened. At this point not only did they become disillusioned, Moses also became disillusioned and turned to God, their ultimate leader. God communicated the…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 36
Scripture Passage: Exodus 5:1-23 The Leader May Doubt the Vision During Adversity Moses had a great vision; to bring Israel out of Egypt and into a good land flowing with milk and honey. Everyone was excited, leader and followers alike. However, after his first encounter with Pharaoh, the initial excitement was lost as things went…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 35
Scripture Passage: Exodus 5:1-23 Things Will Not Always Be As Expected When Moses communicated the vision for Israel’s release from bondage, the people were pleased and worshipped God. They thought, finally our deliverer is here and our captivity has come to an end. No doubt they expected to be set free as soon as Moses…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 34
Scripture Passage: Exodus 5:1-21 At the First Sign of Trouble, the Leader Will Be Criticised When Moses communicated the vision to the children of Israel, it was very well received and no doubt the Israelites saw themselves as being already free from Egyptian bondage. However, when Moses went in to speak with Pharaoh, the result…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 33
Scripture Passage: Exodus 4:27-31 A Good Leader Communicates the Vision The communication of the vision is a very important aspect of leadership and the vision is communicated to get the people to buy into it. Every vision requires people to be fulfilled and it is the responsibility of the leader to ensure he communicates his…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 32
Scripture Passage: Exodus 3:10-13 A Good Leader Asks Questions Regarding the Vision Moses asked two very important questions as he received the vision from God. First question; who am I? Second question; who are you? A leader needs to have clarity before he can successfully pursue a vision. Someone has said that fuzzy ideas lead…