Scripture Passage: Exodus 4:1-16 You Don’t Need to be an Orator to Lead Moses was not eloquent; he said so himself when God asked him to return to Egypt and dialogue with Pharaoh for the release of the children of Israel. However, it was an excuse that didn’t stand, as God gave him a spokesman…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 30
Scripture Passage: Exodus 2:1-25 Violence Achieves Nothing; Dialogue Achieves Everything Moses desired to see his people free from Egyptian bondage but he acted out of anger and in violence. The result he got was completely different from the result he desired. His people were not set free rather they remained longer in bondage. He ceased…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 29
Scripture Passage: Exodus 2:1-25 There is a Time to Lead Moses had a vision; to see his people free from Egyptian bondage but he acted too fast and missed the timing. He murdered an Egyptian in cold blood and had to flee Egypt for forty years in a bid to save his life. The result…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 28
Scripture Passage: Exodus 2:1-14 When You Try to Lead Expect Criticism A leader should expect to be criticised, it comes with the leadership position. Moses grew up as an Egyptian but he knew who he really was and where he belonged. He did not like to see his people suffer and one day as he…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 27
Scripture Passage: Exodus 1:1-22 A Good Leader Uses Influence A Bad Leader Uses Force One major difference between good and bad leaders is that good leaders use influence and bad leaders use force. Pharaoh feared that the children of Israel would join Egypt’s enemies in fighting against Egypt if war broke out and flee the…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 26
Scripture Passage: Exodus 1:1-22 A Bad Leader Disregards Great Leaders Many years after Joseph died the Bible says that a Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph. I think that the Pharaoh must have known Joseph as he was a national hero in Egypt and his bones were still in Egypt. I believe his remains…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 25
Scripture Passage: Genesis 45:1-8 The Leader Sees the Big Picture Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and although he went through a season of great trials in a strange land, God finally exalted him and when he met his brothers again in Egypt, he did not reward them with evil for this wicked…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 24
Scripture Passage: Genesis 44:1-35 and Genesis 45:1-11 The Leader Must Test the People Before He Empowers Them Joseph had a bad experience with his brothers when they sold him into slavery. When he saw them again in Egypt, he did not reveal himself to them or invite them to partake of his affluence, until he…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 23
Scripture Passage: Genesis 43:1-14 and Genesis 45:9-28 When the Leader Takes a Risk He Gains What Was Lost When Jacob took a risk and released his precious son, Benjamin to go down to Egypt with his brothers to buy food, little did he know that in return, he would not only get Benjamin back but…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 22
Scripture Passage: Genesis 43:1-14 The Leader Must Be Willing to Take a Risk to See the Vision Fulfilled God had promised Jacob greatness; He told Jacob that a nation, a company of nations and kings would proceed from him but, in this chapter, that vision is threatened by famine and Jacob’s lineage is about to…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 21
Scripture Passage: Genesis 42:29-38 When the Leader has Broken Trust He will Likely Not Be Trusted Again A leader must not break trust with those he leads as trust is crucial in leadership. If people do not trust a leader it is only a matter of time before they stop following him. A leader who…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 20
Scripture Passage: Genesis 16:1-5 When the Leader Hearkens to the Follower Problems Arise A leader should listen to the opinions and advice of those he leads, but if he does so when it is contrary to his vision, problems are bound to arise. Abraham had a vision given to him by God. It was clear,…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 19
Scripture Passage: Genesis 37:18-22; 42:21-22 A Weak Leader Blames Others for His Lack of Leadership Reuben showed signs of being a weak leader. He failed to deliver Joseph from the hands of their brethren. He suggested Joseph be put in the pit instead of using his position as firstborn to demand that Joseph be released…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 18
Scripture Passage: Genesis 13:1-11 and Genesis 19:15-26 When You Stop Following the Rewards Depart from You As long as Lot followed Abraham, he was blessed. Immediately he departed, and went his own way, the blessings began to depart. Eventually, he left Sodom empty handed whereas he had gone in full. The cattle and the herdsmen…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 17
Scripture Passage: Genesis 26:6-11 The People Become Like the Leader The people will become like the leader. Isaac lied that his wife was his sister; interestingly, his father, Abraham had also told a similar lie before the birth of Isaac and although there is no evidence to show that Isaac was aware of this wrong…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 16
Scripture Passage: Genesis 13:1-11 A Good Leader Seeks Peace at All Cost A good leader will seek peace as much as he can because he understands that peace fosters the progress of every vision. Without peace, progress is never in view. Abraham and Lot were blessed to the extent that the land in which they…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 15
Scripture Passage: Matthew 19:26-29 A Good Leader Rewards His Followers A good leader never takes his followers for granted and establishes a system to acknowledge and reward their hard work and commitment to his vision. Everyone desires recognition especially when they have earned it and a leader who does not know how to recognise and…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 14
Scripture Passage: Matthew 10:24-25 The Followers Will Usually Face the Same Issues as the Leader Whatever confronts a leader is likely to confront his followers. Jesus, the greatest leader that ever lived said, “If they called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?” We become like…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 13
Scripture Passage: Genesis 14:1-4 When a Leader is a Task Master the People Rebel A leader is not a taskmaster. A leader is a servant of the people. A leader gives his time and resources to better the lives of the people. A task master however is different; he takes from the people their time…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 12
Scripture Passage: Genesis 14:8-16 Training Must Precede Empowerment. Abraham had a lot of servants in his home but he armed only his trained servants when he went out to battle. He used a trained team and he won the battle. If you desire victory as a leader, then you must train your followers and training…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 11
Scripture Passage: Genesis 11:1-8 Only a United Team Can Make Progress. Jesus taught that a house divided against itself cannot stand, or make progress. The men in the scripture passage initially had one language, which symbolises unity. As long as they had one language they made progress. God acknowledged that they would be able to…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 10
Scripture Passage: Genesis 11:1-8 The Vision Fails when Communication Fails. The men in this scripture passage had a vision; to build a city and tower whose top may reach heaven. Without much ado, they began to build and God came down to see what was being done. Interestingly, God acknowledged that they would be able…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 9
Scripture Passage: Genesis 9:18-27 The Followers Always Suffer for the Wrong Actions of the Leader. Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. One day he had too much to drink and uncovered himself in his tent. Ham saw his father’s nakedness and told his two brothers about it. They took a cloth and covered…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 8
Scripture Passage: Matthew 7:3-5 The Leader Must Lead Himself First. Lead yourself before you lead others; teach yourself, before you teach others. Become a follower of yourself first; buy into your vision first. Charity they say begins at home. Whatever you want to do for another, do it first for yourself. This was one principle…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 7
Scripture Passage: Matthew 23:1-4 A Leader Must Lead by Example. People will not do what the leader says, they will do what the leader does; therefore the leader must lead by example. Jesus began to do and teach (Acts 1:1). A leader must practise what he preaches. To say and not do makes you a…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 6
Scripture Passage: John 8:1-11, Luke 6:42 A Leader Must Be Fair. A leader who is not fair in his dealings with people will soon lose what little respect his followers have for him. And because people follow leaders they respect, once respect is lost, the people will cease to follow and will in some cases…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 5
Scripture Passage: Genesis 3:1-12 Do Not Complain About What You Permit. Adam did not understand this leadership lesson. He was with Eve when she ate the forbidden fruit. He made no attempt to stop her from eating it and when she offered him some, he willingly ate it. Simply put, Adam permitted his wife to…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 4
Scripture Passage: Matthew 20:20-28 Leadership Calls for Sacrifice. It takes personal sacrifice to be a leader. Jesus left His exalted place in Heaven to come down to the earth to die for men; it was a sacrifice. Moses left his home and returned to Egypt to set Israel free; it was a sacrifice. Nehemiah left…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 3
Scripture Passage: Matthew 16:17-18, Luke 22:54-62 and Acts 2:14-36 To get the Best from Those You Lead, Believe in Them. Jesus believed in those He led. He said to Peter, “Thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.” When Jesus made this statement, Peter was anything but a rock and we…