“Mollie Patterson, you have tested HIV Positive in the state of New York…” Diagnosed with AIDS and given two weeks to live, today, almost twenty years, later Mollie Patterson is alive and well and happily married as proof of God’s faithfulness amidst our unfaithfulness. When I first read Mollie’s story, I was in awe at…
DOZ That Inspire You – Ebony Perkins
“A philanthropist is someone who engages in philanthropy; that is, someone who donates his or her time, money, and/or reputation to charitable causes.” So, says Wikipedia. Ebony Perkins is a philanthropist. And as one who has been a recipient of the generosity of others, Ebony seeks to give to causes she cares about, and she…
DOZ That Inspire You – Dr Tai Ikomi
Many years ago, my father, read Dr. Tai Ikomi’s book, His Beauty for My Ashes, and shared her story with me, how in one day, she had lost her husband and three children on an interstate highway due to the carelessness of a drunk driver. I was a young girl at the time, possibly 13…
DOZ That Inspire You – Dr Sheun Oke
Sheun Oke is much more than the Wellness Apostle. She is SUPER woman on a mission to raise women as leaders and help them confidently raise the next generation of leaders. This year, Sheun Oke has a mission to help 10,000 women become confident and successful entrepreneurs. Will you be one of them? For the…
DOZ That Inspire You – Maribel Cintron
Prophetess Maribel Cintron, also known as Broken to Peace, is a woman mightily used of God. And I know this because several times, God has used her to speak to me and get me out of things the enemy had put on the way to derail me. She is living proof that God can use…
DOZ That Inspire You – Ria Story
When she was 12, Ria’s father told her that she was God’s gift to him so he wouldn’t commit adultery. For seven years that followed, he sexually abused Ria. At the age of 19, she ran from home, and not even threats from her parents that she was going to hell could dissuade her. She…
DOZ That Inspire You – Joyce Dias
Joyce Dias turned down an arranged marriage which is in line with Indian tradition because she was a romantic young woman who believed in prince charming and happily ever after. After being dumped for the third time, she settled for being happily single, but God showed up and wrote her perfect love story. In her…
DOZ That Inspire You – Charisa Munroe
Two years ago, Christians across the globe were thrown into mourning following the sudden and tragic demise of Dr. Myles Munroe and his lovely wife, Ruth Munroe. But no one was more devastated at their passing than the two children they left behind, Charisa and Myles Jr. In this issue of DOZ That Inspire You,…
DOZ That Inspire You – Pastor Nike Lamai
She has been called the Kathryn Kuhlman of this generation. Meet Pastor Adenike Lamai of Hadassah Healing Foundation and discover how she evolved from a woman fleeing church and the presence of God, to a woman who cannot get enough of the presence of God. Learn how His presence and her upbringing have equipped her…
DOZ That Inspire You – Ms Clara (WAR ROOM)
Ms Clara, star actress in the Movie WAR ROOM, advises young Christian women in an exclusive chat with Eturuvie Erebor Tell me a little about yourself. Where did you grow up and what was it like? I am one of five children. I have two brothers and two sisters. I am the second born. I…
Are We Failing Our Daughters?
Now and again, one hears bizarre stories of fathers sleeping with their daughters, step-fathers sexually abusing their step-daughters, (and yes, sometimes killing them to prevent being exposed) uncles violating their nieces, brothers sleeping with their sisters under their mother’s nose and she finds out like everyone else when the daughter becomes pregnant by the brother….
Leadership Lessons from the Lives of Great Women: The Daughters of Zelophehad
Zelophehad was one of the many children of Israel rescued from Egyptian bondage. While the Bible does not say much about him, it does mention that he had no sons. Zelophehad had five daughters named, Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah. They were very unusual women. After the death of their father, all five of…
Leadership Lessons from the Ants
The ants appear to be a small and insignificant part of nature but the reality is that although they are small they are in no way insignificant as they possess some very fine leadership qualities. Every leader or aspiring leader in any field of endeavour has something to learn from these creatures. The Bible mentions…
The People Become Like the Leader: A Lesson from David and Saul
Saul and David were the first and second kings of Israel respectively and they both had personalities that rubbed off on the people that they led. The stories of these two men, who possessed very different personalities, help to portray the truth that, the people ultimately become like their leader, and this is whether they…
Eli: The Leader Who Was Asleep
Eli was a priest and one of the judges of the nation of Israel, as a matter of fact, he was the last but one judge that Israel had. After his death, Samuel became a judge and was the last judge as the nation moved from being led by judges to being led by kings….
It Is Not Too Late To Achieve Your Dreams
Many times, because of the challenges of life, we are unable to achieve our dreams at the time we desire to do so and as the years go by it becomes easy to dismiss them and conclude that they can never become a reality because we think we are now too old to achieve them….
Leadership Requirements: A Lesson from Joshua
Certain requirements are a necessity for anyone who wants to lead people successfully, and some of these can be found in the charge given to Joshua by God as he assumes the responsibility of leading the people of Israel into the land of Canaan after the death of Moses. While Moses led Israel out of…
Lessons I Learned from a Puny Little Girl
…. This Will Inspire You! A few months ago, I had the opportunity to be at the inter-house sports competition of a primary school in my country of origin, Nigeria. It was an awesome experience as I watched the children compete. I learnt two very valuable lessons from one little girl, and I would…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 100
Scripture Passage: Numbers 27:1-8 Anyone Can Lead Zelophehad’s five daughters, Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah, stood before Moses and the entire congregation and demanded to be given an inheritance amongst men. They said, “Why should the name of our father be done away from among his family, because he hath no son? Give unto…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 99
Scripture Passage: Numbers 27:1-8 Leaders are a Voice for the Voiceless The five daughters of Zelophehad, Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah, were a voice for their late father who could no longer speak for himself. They told Moses, “Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not in the company of them that…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 98
Scripture Passage: Numbers 27:1-8 Leaders Fight for Causes Bigger Than Themselves The five daughters of Zelophehad, Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah, fought for a worthy cause. To ensure their father’s name was not wiped out from Israel because he had no son. They asked Moses, “Why should the name of our father be done…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 97
Scripture Passage: Numbers 27:1-8 Leaders Go Where No One Has Been The five daughters of Zelophehad, Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah, did what no woman before them had done. They asked Moses for an inheritance amongst their father’s brethren as their father had died without a son. They said, “Why should the name of…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 96
Scripture Passage: Numbers 27:1-8 Leaders Never Settle for the Status Quo Five women, Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah, also known as the daughters of Zelophehad had a challenge. Their father was dead and he had no son. His inheritance would be passed to his brethren but these women rose up and said to Moses,…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 95
Scripture Passage: Numbers 25:1-4 Judgement Begins With the Leader When the children of Israel committed whoredom with the daughters of Moab and went to the sacrifices of their gods, the anger of God was kindled against Israel. God said to Moses “Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the Lord…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 94
Scripture Passage: Numbers 22:21-33 Don’t Pass Judgement Before You Have the Facts As Balaam journeyed, riding on his ass, the animal suddenly seemed to develop a mind of its own and wouldn’t do what Balaam wanted. She turned aside out of the way. She thrust herself onto the wall and crushed Balaam’s foot against the…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 93
Scripture Passage: Numbers 22:21-33 Sometimes the Ass Sees What the Leader Misses Balaam was invited by Balak to curse the children of Israel. As he went, an angel stood on his path to destroy him. Balaam did not see the angel but his ass did and tried to avoid the angel who stood poised with…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 92
Scripture Passage: Numbers 20:23-29 Succession is an Important Aspect of Leading When Moses and Aaron sinned in striking the rock instead of speaking to it, their assignments came to an end. God said, “Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor. And strip Aaron of his garments, and put them…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 91
Scripture Passage: Numbers 20:7-23 Leaders Must Be Able to Manage Themselves When the children of Israel asked for water in the wilderness of Zin, God gave Moses a simple instruction; “speak to the rock before the children of Israel and it will bring forth water.” (Paraphrased) Moses failed to carry out this instruction to the…
Leadership Lessons Daily – Day 90
Scripture Passage: Matthew 27:15-26 Rejection is Not Always a Sign of Failure When Jesus was arrested and brought before Pilate, the latter realised that there was no case against Jesus and perceived that the people had arrested him out of envy. The Jews had a custom that during the Passover feast, the governor would release…